Me Only Better
I'm deeply passionate about helping people navigate life's challenges with a positive mindset, even during the toughest times. The most significant transformation in my journey has been choosing to live alcohol-free, which has had a profoundly positive impact on my life. It has empowered me to maintain a calm and centered perspective, proving invaluable in my personal family life and in coaching others to live with clarity and confidence.
With a background of 25 years in personal growth and development, including my previous career as a teacher and my role as a mom, I've honed my skills and insights.
Being born into a family with four teenagers exposed me to different perspectives and experiences, teaching me the importance of listening and observing from a young age. I believe this has contributed to my ability to connect with and understand others on a deep level, making me an effective and empathetic life coach.
My educational background includes earning a Master's degree at Boston College following my undergraduate studies at Skidmore College. I pursued my master's degree with the motivation to learn more about special needs and make a difference in the lives of misunderstood and neglected children. My lifelong dream of becoming a teacher led me to Skidmore College, and it was in Boston during my time at BC, where I met my husband.
I am continually evolving and expanding my knowledge and skills. This commitment to personal growth is evident in my completion of continuous coaching education and certifications, first in health and wellness, then in life coaching, and finally culminating in specialized alcohol-free training. When I flipped the switch on alcohol’s importance in my life and that there was none,
I felt compelled to guide others to this freedom, too.
Whether you seek support in life or living alcohol-free, I look forward to connecting and exploring the possibilities of our partnership. My sister, who has since passed away, offered sage advice: prioritize the relationship above all else, as it serves as the cornerstone for personal growth and meaningful connections.

My journey to Living Alcohol-Free
When I was 40 I started my first Whole Life Challenge. There were 3 nutritional list to choose from and for alcohol it was 0, 1 serving per week and 1 per day. Wow, that’s really hard, I’m not sure about that one. Why would someone do that? I had already made a body transformation after I had my first child. But this seemed far out of reach for something I needed or wanted. It wasn’t lent? I wasn’t pregnant? Didn’t see the need or reason though when I look back this is when the seed was planted to change my relationship with alcohol and even more so live alcohol-free.
In my 40s I kept trying to fit alcohol into my life until it was just taking up too much space, energy and was becoming a shadow. Hangxiety was getting louder each time I drank and I didn’t know that was a thing. My tolerance was high and “slow the mo” (momentum) became a goal of mine in regards to drinking. There was fun and a pandemic but mostly trying to fit it in because I was conditioned to drink and wanted to prove I could for some reason. I didn’t want to care/think about it anymore. “Cognitive dissonance” and decision making fatigue I’ve now learned and a thing for me.
I worked hard on that and it was exhausting. Low carb, low alcohol wine, low sugar etc…”healthy” version of drinking. Sometimes it was easier to just open another bottle. 2 weeks off became a normal for me and even a few times months off. Why wouldn’t I drink at all? I can handle this. I’m a great mom, I love my kids and my relationships/jobs aren’t suffering.
2019-2021 - I did 2 consecutive coach training programs which involved a lot of self-discovery and self-development. I had already done a lot on my own with the Whole Life Challenge which also grew my interest in the wellness space and a great self-care practice. During these years when I became a coach and started my business we were also in a pandemic. These years the light on the shadow of alcohol was getting brighter and my hangxiety was going through the roof.
Being the designated driver also helped. I set my 6-month goal after listening to Andrew Huberman’s podcast on alcohol, so why stop there - really why start drinking again? Let’s commit to 1 year so I joined OYNB (One Year No Beer) where I was introduced to Andy Ramage, a LEGEND in this alcohol-free space, through his daily videos.
He really spoke to me. Positive message, alcohol-free life, motivation and that pivoted me to start thinking about coaching others and living this way.
Andy launched the Dryy app in October of 2022 (where I am an official Coach now). I was also receiving his newsletter and when announced he would be training current coaches to add alcohol-free support to their programs, I was through the roof excited! I trained with Andy in March 2023 and proud to be part of the mission to live alcohol-free, showing others it can be done and support clients on their own journey.
November 2023 - Certified This Naked Mind Coach.
Training with Annie Grace and her team started out as an incredible full-circle opportunity and is now so much more. Learning in-depth science and the impact alcohol has on our mind, and body as well as the societal changes that are happening is very powerful and exciting.
Even though it seems impossible, I promise it can be done.
My motivation - I wanted to wake up with “crystal clear clarity every day” which I am now. When I learned the science and the truth about what alcohol really is that was it for me. I’m at peace with it all and embracing my life both personally and professionally to LAF. Supporting others to do so is kismet. What a journey!
Gain Real Outcomes
My go-tos and random facts:
I get lots of love, daily walks and so much joy with our first dog!
Exercise, sports and movement are critical to my overall happiness and well-being.
I was so happy when my mom said that I could have the pillow my dad gave her years ago that says "happiness is being married to your best friend".
I was Gadget Girl for a long time…after a lot of trial & error and I’m down to an Oura ring.
I have 5 piercings in my left ear and only 1 in my right.
A few examples of things that uplift me are laughing with my kids, date nights, couch time with our pup, flip flops & my heated vest.
I love my birthday and celebrating holidays, my favorite is Halloween!
I’ve lived in the Boston area for now more than half my life! but my Midwestern roots are strong and deep...funny story, was in a Boston taxi heading back home from the airport (this is before Uber ;) Cabbie asked me where I was from, I answered as always “the Chicago area” - Cabbie “how long have you been here?” My answer “hmmm…since 1999”…Ma’am, sounds to me like you’re from here, no?” We laughed!​
As I reflect on my physical and mental transformations. A few things stand out to me:
I live with intention based on reflection and action.
I have systems and routines that work for me and my own progress.
When it comes to conflict I put the relationship first and then work on having the issues resolved.
I find a little something that will uplift me or bring me joy everyday even when things are difficult.
I figure out what is not working, not aligning and make the effort on changing it whether on my own, with hired help or leaning on loved ones.
Life is a gift.
I feel that everyday especially after losing my sister Carol to cancer.
February 9, 2021 heaven received a beautiful person. There is comfort knowing that Carol is with my dad and her battle is over. When she was at the end she was at Peace because of her strong faith. Something I’ll always admire.
My hole is mending. I miss her and my dad every day. I lean into our special relationships and find symbols around that I treasure. My new love of birds is a funny story and the color yellow connects me with Carol in a happy way.
My dad was skiing our favorite mountain in Colorado, Snowmass, when he died. He had an aortic aneurysm at age 72, I was 30, married with a baby. We were very close, and my world as I knew it changed forever. He taught me PMA ( Positive Mental Attitude). He was an accomplished self-made man whose impact on this world is truly awesome. So much so, that my kids and friends who never met him in person feel close to him from all of the stories and the positive changes he made for many people’s lives. To me and our family, he was Dad, Grandpa, and best friend to my mom for over 50 years.
Youngest, only, and oldest
My parents had 4 teenagers and then got pregnant with me. My kids are both teenagers and my youngest is 14, the age my nearest in years sister was when my mom had me. Imagine that! Your oldest kid going off to college and pregnant?!? Thinking you were going to be empty nesters in a few years and then a little one was on her way. Thank you mom, dad and siblings! for welcoming me with love and gratitude. It was the 70s and teenage angst was at peak levels, a little baby brought peace and joy I was told often, that is a gift I gave to my family and one I treasure near and dear to my heart.
I was like the youngest, only and oldest child all at once and I wouldn’t change that for the world, it was my normal. I’m closer in age to my nephew than I am to my sister, I’m the “generation bridge”. Fun fact! My husband is also the 5th out of 5 so together we have lots of nieces and nephews. They named our home “the youth hostel” because at one point we had 3 of them living with us.
The “squad”
The apples don’t fall too far from the tree! It’s unreal at times that they are both now high school but that thought doesn’t last long. It’s an awesome stage of life. I’m grateful for our close relationships and the foundation we have built raising them. We definitely beat to our own drum and support each other with all that goes on. Kids consider each other their best friend and so do my husband and I. Love how that grew organically…maybe it will happen with our indoor cat and puppy for now not so much (picture animal kingdom v Instagram cuddle pics :)
Teaching & Pregnancy
During my early 20s I struggled to get into a healthy routine. I loved teaching and thought it was my calling though I never found the time to workout consistently and cooking healthy meals seemed like a distant world.
In the first year or so of our marriage hormonal imbalances were discovered as well as fertility issues. Things I had never heard of. The focus of my attention then shifted to how I could have children while teaching 4th grade, specializing in children with behavioral special needs. Stress was pretty high and I didn’t really have good self-care practices in place back then.
At one time I was told I would never be able to have any children. I didn’t let that Doctor’s opinion have the last say. She literally told me with my situation, childbirth is not possible. I was determined to do everything I could. It was exhausting and trying. Embracing adoption was a possibility down the road, but I felt there was a lot more to try first. We found a wonderful Doctor who had PMA, “you’ll be a great case study, and I have no reason to believe you can’t get pregnant.” He introduced me to acupuncture and the Mind and Body Institute. Success!
My wellness journey begins
I struggled with infertility and health issues for years. There were so many ups and downs. It was a very challenging time emotionally, mentally and physically. The classes and support group at the Mind and Body Institute were a major part of my sanity during that time and I came through much better equipped than when I started with skills and practices that are a major part of my life now. I learned about meditation, mindfulness, having faith when things are hard, and most importantly how my husband and I navigate the world when faced with an emotional challenge. Part of the course was to attend a couples yoga class on an October Sunday back in 2001 when the Boston Red Sox were in the playoffs and it was the Patriots season opener. No cell phones allowed…there were a few eye rolls, giggles like we were in church, and a glance at a phone for the score, but he was right by my side as he always is, doing the work together and finding lightness along the way (needless to say he hasn’t been back to a yoga class since).
After I had my son I circled back to my doctor to see about losing weight and take steps to balance my hormones. She recommended a nutritionist who worked with me on a targeted diet to support my PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) - which I no longer have, but at the time it did wonders. That diet tipped the scales literally and symbolically. This was before Google! It was eye-opening and began my interest in nutrition.